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Far from home

2016 I Drama I 10 x 26'

Written and produced by Fred Scotlande

Calt Production
With Fred Scotlande, Charlie Bruneau, Grégory Montel, Gwendolyn Gourvenec


In 2012, war is coming to an end in Afghanistan. The French soldiers on assignment in the war zone will finally be able to come back home. This is supposed to be good news for all, except maybe for Sergeant Dostali and his men compelled to extend their stay and lengthen war a bit more: one young soldier of the unit has been kidnapped by the Taliban.
Far from Home is dramedy. It is a chronicle of life for a French army unit, unfolding on the Afghan soil.

With the participation of France Télévisions and the support of the Ile de France Region.

Broadcast in September 2016 on France 4 and Netflix
Far from home


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